Members at the Christmas luncheon were entertained by Christine Heywood, who gave a rendering of Christmas songs, carols, readings and amusing monologues. She was accompanied by one of our own members, Margaret Searle. An enjoyable beginning to the festive season.
After the luncheon, Bill Pearson announced that he and Eva would no longer be organising the luncheons. Charles Hope will be taking over Bill's role and Mary Brooks will be taking over the bookings from Eva. Eva and Bill have organised the Prompt Corner Lunches for seven years, and feel that the time has now come to hand over the reins. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking them both for all the hard work they have put into making the luncheons such an enjoyable and successful monthly get-together. Bill listed some of the speakers that have attended over the years and the guests and their subjects made very impressive reading.
Taking over the bookings from Eva will not be an easy task, so I would appreciate it if anyone who did not attend our Christmas luncheon, and who wishes to attend our January luncheon, will contact me by Sunday 16th January (at the latest) on or email me at This will enable Pat to have advance warning of numbers for preparing lunch on the day.
Our next luncheon will be held on Wednesday 19th January and our speaker will be Janet Hilderley on 'The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre'. Our speaker for February will be Sir Michael Forestier-Walker from The Leatherhead Theatre. His talk will be entitled "How Pioneer People have brought the theatre back to life and their plans for the future"
A very happy New Year to all the members of The Prompt Corner Luncheons.
Mary Brooks