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We are booking now for the Old Tyme Music Hall, which runs from 1st to 5th March. The box office will be open on Saturday mornings, 19th and 26th February, from 10am to 12:30pm. Tickets will be £8.00. Please ring the above number to book your seats, or call Lauren on 01483 282747.
Lauren will also be taking bookings for the two performances of Vagina Monologues on 18th and 19th March. If you missed our club night, here's your opportunity to see it with a few added bits- we're doing the whole thing this time and yes, we will be mentioning the unmentionable. Quite a few times. You may want to bring ear plugs for some of it! Only two nights so please book early on 01483 282747-all tickets will be £8.50.