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News & Reviews A few words from John
7th October

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10th Anniversary Play in a Week

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Drama workshops 11-15th August

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'Annie' auditions

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A few words from John

I do hope you will all support our next two productions, The Vagina Monologues and Love and Understanding. Both of these pieces are very contemporary, and both are quite challenging in different ways. Our new and younger actors need all our support and encouragement to stay with us for future productions, so please make them feel welcome in our theatre by supporting both these shows.

Our Young Nomads have decided on their play for the summer-Accrington Pals by Peter Whelan-and more details will be in the next newsletter. The search is still on for a director for the last show of the year, and expressions of interest or your suggestions for a director will be gratefully received.
I am planning some acting workshops, hopefully to begin in the autumn, on the subjects of audition, rehearsal and performance. If you would like to join the workshops please let me know as soon as possible as numbers will be limited.
It's good news for us that the last night of Noises Off on October 8th coincides with the first night of the Mole Valley Arts Alive festival, which will help us with some great marketing for this show-so the message once again is to book early!
On with the shows...

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