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6th January

News & Reviews
10th Anniversary Play in a Week

August Social Evenings

Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

Do schools today kill creativity? (Sir Ken Robinson)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Director interview & Set Construction

Nomads Theatre Tour

First Annie video diary entry

Annie Box Office Opens!

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Social Slot

Well, the Murder Mystery has passed and we have cleared the dead body away as it was beginning to smell a bit!

Those of you who missed out on the Murder Mystery and have not booked for Poetry and a Pint have sadly missed out again, as all the tickets have gone! This is always a popular social and as we are preparing food this time we had to limit the numbers-sorry but please book early for events if you don't want to be disappointed.

Now is your chance to get on and book for the Race Night on Saturday 16th April. There is going to be all the fun of the racetrack but without the weather! Bet on your favourite horse and cheer it on as you watch the big screen. In-between races there will be food available (all included in your ticket price) as well as the club watering hole (The Nomad bar not included in your ticket price!)

The social events this year have proved very popular with full houses. For the Race Night we are able to cater for a lot more people, as the big screen will be in the auditorium-but please book your place early as we have to know numbers for catering. Ring me on 01483 830825 now! 

Martin Lawrance

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