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News & Reviews AUDITIONS: A Month of Sundays
28th August

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AUDITIONS: A Month of Sundays

A Month of Sundays by Bob Larbey
Director: Wally Ross Gower
Production Dates: 10th-14th May

A delightful and poignant comedy from the writer of" The Good Life" and a "A Fine Romance". It is the story of two old men in a retirement home, who keep senility at bay by forming an escape committee (although neither have a place to escape to) and by trying to remember the names of the 1947 Middlesex County Cricket Team. Their problem is they can only remember 10 of the 11, but the challenge of the missing name is what keeps them going. The play details the painful rituals of visits from a family who would rather be somewhere else and the dawning realisation that life is moving towards the final, humiliating stage.

Although a comedy it is at times almost unbearably sad.

Audition Dates:- Sunday 20th March 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm
 Tuesday 22nd March 8.00 pm - 10.00 pin

CAST - 3m, 3f.  
Cooper (M)
Resident of Old People's Home, irascible, truculent, mentally very capable but failing physically. Age: 55-70 years

Aylott (M)
Resident of Old People's Home, kindly, slow, strong physically but failing mentally. Age: 55-70 years

Wilson (F)
Pretty, capable, understanding nurse, has a `special' relationship with Cooper. Age: 20-30 years

Cooper's daughter, who visits regularly but is never there, slightly ashamed of her father. Age: 30 10 years

Julia's boring but faithful husband, will visit but can't wait to get away. Successful. Age: Mid 40's

Mrs Baker
Cleaner/Orderly, the butt of a lot of Cooper's spleen, sympathetic. Age: 30- 50 years

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