Red Devils by Debbie Horsfield Director: Alan Wiseman Production Dates: 20th-25th June
Auditions (in the Bar): Sunday, 1st May 2.00 pm Monday, tad May 12 noon
Who are the `Red Devils'? Football fans will know that they are Manchester United F.C. who, even before current adulation reached endemic proportions, attracted a large core of loyal and fanatical followers. In 1979, the team reached the Final of the F.A. Cup, their opponents being the equally illustrious Arsenal, hated by all fans of "the Reds" And the Cup Final is the climax, the Nirvana for every football supporter. A ticket for the final is admission to Heaven. Among the Man.U. supporters none are more dedicated than four girls, all in their late teens:
Phil Leader of the pack and the most chauvinist and fervent supporter of `her' team.
Beth Rough, tough and willing to mix it with any rival fan - or even her own side if necessary
Alice Tagging along with her mates but more intent on her latest boyfriend and looking forward only to marriage, babies and giving up any attempt to look presentable once that goal has been achieved.
Nina Born and bred in the city (Manchester? Liverpool?), daughter of an Indian doctor and completely identifying with the gang's enthusiasms.
These girls are going to get to Wembley, whatever the cost.
The Play was originally improvised by a group of students at the Liverpool Everyman Theatre led by writer in residence, Debbie Horsfield, and has since been produced by Youth Theatre Groups all over the U.K. The characters sparkle, the dialogue scintillates as, in eight fastmoving scenes, the girls plan their campaign - they will lie, cheat, or rob for that magic ticket to the great game, replete with humour pain, tears, laughter, bad language and even blood.
Can a group of middle-class Surrey girls really get inside these working-class girls from the gutters of an industrial northern city. Can they feel the impulse which impels these four heroines (foul, graceless, and strangely vulnerable), with no money, no prospects, and little hope? For that is what the Director needs.
Anyone who would like further details can contact Alan on 01932 864166. He will also welcome assistance from experienced Members for a Producer and Stage Manager.