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News & Reviews Play in a week
6th September

News & Reviews
10th Anniversary Play in a Week

August Social Evenings

Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

News & Reviews

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Play in a week
The week for the production is confirmed as 18th to 23rd July, with a performance on the Saturday night. The planning and brainstorming workshop will be on Monday 18th April at the Freewheelers' new purpose-built performance space at the Development Centre in Leatherhead. Enquires are coming in about this week and the beginner's classes earlier in the year. People with all types of disability are very welcome, as are other Nomads. Actors, singers, dancers, backstage workers and those interested in front of house activities. Bill Pearson will be very pleased to hear from anyone able to give some time to this project. Contact him on 01306 730582.

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