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News & Reviews So long! And thanks for all the fun...
19th November

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10th Anniversary Play in a Week

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Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

Do schools today kill creativity? (Sir Ken Robinson)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Director interview & Set Construction

Nomads Theatre Tour

First Annie video diary entry

Annie Box Office Opens!

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So long! And thanks for all the fun...
It seems we are about one of our longest-standing and most treasured members.

Deb Nurse tells us:
It's likely that my appearance in the musical 'Nine' will be my last performance for the Nomads! Barring accidents andproposals of marriage from rich octogenarians, I plan to be living permanently in Cyprus by October this year. Yes, I'm going to pack the cats into their flight box and subject to myself to 200 days of sunshine a year, petrol at 25p a litre and the hell of having to stop work for three hours at lunchtime. I'll miss the Nomads of course, but I won't be missing the M25, council tax, Tony Blair, the queue at Sainsbury's and endless bulletins about David Beckham's foot etc.

And I'm sure I'll find a drama group on the island somewhere - excuse me whilst I start learning the Greek version of Talking Heads ...

Deb Nurse

Deb has been a Nomad for 22 years. A real trouper when you realise how much she has done for the theatre - acting and singing in many shows; stage management; wardrobe, including making some gorgeous costumes herself, on more than one occasion for a whole cast; Chairman, Secretary and Council member for the Nomads, including time spent on redrafting constitutions, poor thing; helping with social and fundraising events, including providing very upmarket catering; and not forgetting her stint as Company Secretary of Nomad Players Limited at a crucial stage in the development of the new theatre. How many Nomads can claim to have done so much for the theatre? An example to us all!

We'll miss Deb, and we wish her well in her new life, but hope she realises that moving to Cyprus means that she may never again see a Watson's bloomer.
Links: Deborah Nurse,

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