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Red Devils

Tuesday 21—Saturday 25 June
Kick Off 8pm

While the 2004/5 football season has now finished, memories of the recent Cup Final are still fresh and the result known (Arsenal beating Manchester United in a penalty shoot-out). But that encounter was far less dramatic than the classic meeting, 26 years earlier, between these two famous teams. Are the four Salford girls, determined to support their beloved ‘reds’ to be elated – or depressed?

We have assembled an immensely strong cast of four of the best young actresses we have seen who have immersed themselves in the lives, loves, triumphs and disasters of these fanatical fans -  three of them will be known to audiences from past triumphs with Nomads – Anna Langridge (Barefoot in the Park and A Month of Sundays), Kate Raye (Sweet Charity) and Roanna Cochrane (too many productions to list and just completing her final year at the Central School of Drama – and auditioning for her first film). The quartet is completed by newcomer Wendy Pinney who, since moving into the area, has appeared with Bookham Players and has been acting since the age of four.

Director, Alan Wiseman (who, himself is a relative newcomer although having been on the fringes of The Nomads for several years) writes “Wendy, Anna, Kate and Roanna have given me fresh impetus and insight into Red Devils and I’m looking forward immensely to the opportunity to present Debbie Horsfield’s classic to an East Horsley audience.  The facilities provided by the Nomads (with special thanks to the local experience of Elaine Burns, Martin Lawrance and the Tuesday Crew, not forgetting the input of Charles Hope and Phil Griffith) have given additional opportunity to present what should be a stimulating and exciting evening.”

The cast won’t let you down – don’t let them down. Be there for the kick-off.  No hooligans.

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