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News & Reviews Quest: Play in a week 2005
28th August

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Quest: Play in a week 2005

Plenty of help, both on stage and backstage, is coming in for our sixth annual Play in a Week.  It starts on Monday 18th and we will be working with the cast and crew every day until the performance on Saturday 23rd July at 8pm.

 Quest has been developed by the whole group, and will be directed by Brandon McGuire.  Richard Fentiman is again musical director, Helen Louise Lampard is our choreographer and the set will be created once more for us by Roger Brandon-Jones.

What is the play about?  A world from formless, total blackness to a place of colour – created by a very mysterious machine, which produces balls! What are they for?  And why do they keep bumping into each other?  Come and see what this is all about.  Sarah Thomas is running the box office—just leave a message on 01483 284747 and she and her assistants will contact you.  Tickets are only £5—the best bargain you’ll get this summer—guaranteed.  One performance only, so don’t be disappointed!

Rehearsals run from 10.15am to 3.15pm each day and all our members are welcome to come and see the group at work.  Bring a picnic!

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