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News & Reviews Summer Workshops
9th January

News & Reviews
Stage Settings Seminar


Prompt Corner

Congratulations David and Zoe!

Coming Soon: Noises Off

News & Reviews

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Summer Workshops

Don’t forget to book your place on the summer workshops—there are a few left but you mustn’t wait!  The workshops will be run for us by Martin Nickells of the New Venture Theatre Company in Brighton, and they will be held on three consecutive weeks:

Sunday  24  July  Auditions
Sunday 31 July  Rehearsals
Saturday 6 August   Performance

Each workshop will run from 11am to 4pm on each of the three days.  In the evening of the final Saturday  there will also be a showcase performance of the play that has been studied during the course. 

The featured production will be "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens. The cost will be £10 per session. Young Nomads will have their fees subsidised—ask John Norris for details.  Contact him on 01903 786247 as soon as possible. 

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