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News & Reviews AUDITIONS! Noises Off, Radio Plays
28th August

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AUDITIONS! Noises Off, Radio Plays

Auditions for NOISES OFF will be in the theatre on the following dates:

Sunday 31 July at 2pm
Monday 1 August at 7:30pm

Noises Off by Michael Frayne is very popular with both actors and audiences.  Do come along to the auditions—they are bound to be great fun for everyone!  If you are taking part in the workshops, don’t worry, John will stay until the end for people who want to audition afterwards.

Auditions for the next two radio plays for Surrey’s Talking Newspaper will be held on Wednesday 27th July in the theatre bar at 2.30pm. 
The plays will be ‘The Takeover’ by Roy Russell, who wrote ‘Checkmate’ which was the first play we recorded.  Bill Pearson will be the director.  The second play will be ’The Organ’, written and directed by Richard Fentiman.  About a dozen parts will need to be cast for the two plays, so we hope to see as many of you there as we can squeeze in to the bar!

Links: Noises Off,

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