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News & Reviews Young Nomads Summer Production
6th January

News & Reviews
10th Anniversary Play in a Week

August Social Evenings

Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

Do schools today kill creativity? (Sir Ken Robinson)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Director interview & Set Construction

Nomads Theatre Tour

First Annie video diary entry

Annie Box Office Opens!

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Young Nomads Summer Production
This year the Young Nomads will be presenting a play by our very own late Peter Forbes.  They are busily reading (and I bet having a great time doing so) a lot of Peter’s work to make their selection—and believe me this will be a tough assignment!  The production will be in the Main House on two nights only, Friday 12th and Saturday 13th August at 8pm.  All tickets will be £5.  Tickets will be available during Play in a Week, or you can ring the box office on 01483 284747 to book your seats without delay.

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