The Nomads Theatre
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News & Reviews The Nomes
28th August

News & Reviews
10th Anniversary Play in a Week

August Social Evenings

Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

News & Reviews

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The Nomes
Phew!  What a Show!  The Nomes were magnificent in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and played to full houses at every performance.  Well done!  Our parents worked very hard in support to make the costumes, man the box office and front of house, and act as chaperones to look after the children during the performances; thank-you all!  Thanks too to those Young Nomads who provided Light and Sound and worked on the set.  Finally, none of this would have been possible without our tutors Edd and Dylan, who gave freely of their time, energy, and enthusiasm to get the whole show organised.  Sadly we say goodbye to Edd who is going all the way home to Effingham, where he starts teacher training at the Howard in September.  We wish him the best of luck, and look forward to seeing him from time to time.  Dylan will be back next month (see feature) to lead our Summer Workshops. Many thanks to you both!Our Newsletter, with details of the Summer Workshops and Autumn term, has been sent out to all parents and registrations are already flooding in.  If you would like a copy please contact me


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