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News & Reviews A Month of Sundays, what Wally has to say
6th September

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A Month of Sundays, what Wally has to say

Here’s what Wally says about it...

Rehearsals are now well under way and I am convinced that the play is an absolute winner. The cast is as follows :-

Aylott - Ian Allen
Cooper - John Norris
Julia - Bernie O’Sullivan
Peter - Paul Evans
Mrs Baker - Elaine Burns
Nurse Wilson - Anna Langridge

Set in a rest home, this play revolves around two residents: Cooper, who has voluntarily left his family to avoid the indignity of depending on them, and his friend Aylott, both on the verge of some geriatric embarrassment. To the painful ritual of family visits and empty condescension the two inmates reply with humour and wit, aware that life can only be endured if treated as a comedy.

It will lift the spirits and leave you all with a warm feeling that reinforces our humanity.


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