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News & Reviews Next Production: The Memory of Water
7th October

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Next Production: The Memory of Water

Memory of Water
a comedy by Shelagh Stephenson

'You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll want to bring your friends'

Olivier Award for Best Comedy - 2000

Tuesday 30th April until Saturday 4th May at 8pm.

Director Marina Norris says:
Rehearsals are going swimmingly; the play is so beautifully written thats it's a pleasure to listen to and perform. The storyline is incredibly engaging, with all the characters going through a rollercoaster of emotions following the death of the three sisters' Mother. Scenes are both hilarious and heart-wrenching. The cast and crew and all working incredibly hard and they deserve really good audiences for their performaces.

Julie Walters and John Hannah are starring in the film of play, to be released later this year, but remember - you can see it at The Nomads first!

So please buy your tickets and bring your friends to see this wonderful play.

Tuesday 30th April and Wednesday 1st May £6.25 (members £6)
Thursday 2nd to Saturday 4th May £7.75 (members £7.50)
Ring Mary Thomas on 01372 450347

The Early Booker Catches the best seats*
* From Proverbs for all the family

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