The Nomads Theatre
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News & Reviews Stage Settings Seminar
7th October

News & Reviews
10th Anniversary Play in a Week

August Social Evenings

Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

News & Reviews

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Stage Settings Seminar

As part of the Arts Alive Festival 2005 the Nomads ran a short seminar on Stage Settings for small Venues, led by Charles Hope, on the Saturday afternoon of Noises Off.

People from a number of local groups attended, including Jenny Gerrard (or Jenny Rainbird as members will know her) and colleagues from her new group, Springboard Theatre Productions. After a talk and general discussion, and a look at the set for Noises Off there was a lot of networking between the participants over a cup of tea. This was a very useful and informative session and we do hope we can do similar sessions in the near future. Keep looking at the newsletter for information on workshops for next year.

Links: Noises Off,

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