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News & Reviews BOX OFFICE: Amadeus
17th May

News & Reviews
'Viva La Costa' Gala Night - May 14th.

Club Night - Apr 26th @ 8pm

Tuesdays are the new Fridays!

'Acting for All' workshops - full details

The making of 'War Horse' - Mar 30th @ 8pm

News & Reviews

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Box Office Line: 01483 284747

The box office for Amadeus will be in the hands of Di Bamber. Booking will start on Saturday 29 October, and all tickets will be £8.50.

You can call in at the theatre on Saturday mornings from 10am until 12:30. Otherwise please ring the box office number and leave your contact details, and Di will get back to you. Please book early-we had to disappoint several people for Noises Off.
We can take cash, cheques (payable to The Nomads), credit or debit cards.

Links: Amadeus,

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