Box Office Line: 01483 284747
Snow White Tickets for Snow White will be £10 for adults and £7 for children, The box office for the panto is being run by Judy Tweedale, and tickets are selling well-so don't delay! You can ring Judy at home on 01483 282938 for tickets, or leave a message on the box office answerphone and Judy will get back to you, or call in to the theatre on Saturday mornings.
Please don't forget to pay for your tickets at least a week before the show.
Thursday 19-Sunday 29 2:30pm / 7:30pm
Kiss of Death Lauren will run the box office for the March production. Bookings can be made from 4th February, on the box office number or in person on Saturday mornings, usual time, 10am-12:30pm. All tickets will be £8.50.
Don't forget we can now take credit card bookings.