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News & Reviews Jenny Freeman at the Club Night
8th October

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Jenny Freeman at the Club Night

At the Club Night on Sunday 14th April Jenny will be performing a monologue entitled "Just One of Those Days" written for her by Michael Bartlett. It is a Talking Heads-style piece approximately fifteen minutes in length. The character of the piece is Justine, the owner of a guest House who literally has had "one of those days" where her patience has been tested to the limit and she recounts the events of the day.

This the monologue Jenny performed at Bexhill-on-sea recently as part of a presentation by BBC Southern Counties Radio, where Jenny is a producer and presenter.

A critic wrote:
"Jenny Rainbird, known to radio listeners as Slinky, brought her acting talent to the show. Her enthusiasm for the character of her monologue was catching. She transformed herself into a hotellier in the middle of a bad day which involved blocked drains and escaped hamsters. Jenny was great to watch and clearly had many fans in the audience".

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