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News & Reviews Aladdin and the Standard Lamp: Actors and help required
12th May

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Aladdin and the Standard Lamp: Actors and help required

Actors and help required for the upcoming shows
If you don't read anything else in this Newsletter, please note and keep this page -put it on your notice board. The success of future shows depends on your enthusiasm and participation.

Aladdin and the Standard Lamp
Director: Steve Whittock
Production Dates: 17th-27th January, 2008

A pantomime specially written for us by lain Fraser, with music by Darren Jameson

Those who audition will need to have prepared a song, preferably with sheet music.

If you would like to audition for the show, please let Tom Stevenson (01483282954

Rehearsals will start at the end of October

Nomes 14th/15th July Adults 4th/5th August

Auditions will be held individually from 10 am onwards. Book a time with Tom.

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