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News & Reviews Shirley Valentine
16th October

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Shirley Valentine

Willy Russell, the author, is one of Britain's most performed playwrights, and was awarded `Best Comedy' in the Laurence Olivier Awards in 1988 for this play. Jane Macintyre recreates the eponymous heroine, and the play is directed by Keith Macdonald.

Put upon housewife and mother Shirley is at the beck and call of husband, children friends and even her employer's dog. Yet inside lurks the adventuress and rebel she once was, yearning to travel to a land where grapes are kissed by the son. We agonise with Shirley and long for her to break free, sharing many hilarious moments along the way. Shirley Valentine, best known in its film version, has even more impact in the original stage version, with its superbly written dialogue delivered with all the punch of stand-up comedy

Performances are on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th July at 8 p.m. .
The play includes adult content- the text includes words you may not wish your children to hear.

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