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News & Reviews AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp
12th May

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AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp

The wheels have already started turning for this year's panto. Aladdin and the Standard Lamp is being written especially for us by lain Fraser and the music is being composed by Darren Jameson, for which we consider ourselves to be incredibly privileged.

We have had a good response from our younger actors and actresses and now need to cast the adults. As this script is being written for us, parts can be written in and out of the production, but here is a likely list of characters:


Dame Foralaff - Aladdin's Mother (Widow Twanky in trail panto)

Uncle Gazumper - Aladdin's Wicked Uncle and the villain the piece

Princess Street - Aladdin's love interest who is subsequently kidnapped by the wicked Uncle

Balthazar - Gazumper's not-too-bright Henchman

Ham - Assistant to Balthazar

Spam - Assistant to Balthazar

Jam - Assistant to Balthazar

Wee Jeannie - one of the 'Genies' of the lamp (ideally played by male)

Big Jeannie - other of the 'Genies' - (again male ideally)

Mouldy - Female neighbour, and busybody, Dame Foralaff

Scullery - Husband of Mouldy

Queen Beehive - Mother of Princess Street and love interest of Gazumper (as part of his world domination plan)

Village Children - There were only 4 in the original and they were woefully under-used!

Narrator - Only a few lines for this part.

Adult auditions will take place on the 4th and 5th August. Please book your audition time by e-mailing the director, Steve Whittock at or by phoning the producer, Helen Longes on 07809 125397. Production dates are 17th - 27th January 2008. Rehearsals start at the end of October. If you can offer us any other assistance with the show, we would love to hear from you. Thanking you in advance,

Helen Longes

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