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News & Reviews AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Coping and Hoping
1st April

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AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Coping and Hoping

Coping and Hoping


Sam Ruffles

The moving story of a mother’s struggle to rehabilitate her son who is born with cerebral palsy and give him a chance of a ‘normal’ life



-the mother, a determined strong woman –aged 30-45


—her husband, a complex, emotional character, again 30-45

Friend/Medical Representative

– provides support and a bench mark for the boy’s progress. Male or female 25-55

James - a few lines but need excellent physical acting skills. Great opportunity for a young actor to learn stagecraft and about disability.

Production Dates Wed 9th - Sat 12th April.

Initially I intend to rehearse Sunday afternoons. Please contact Jane Martin for more information.


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