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News & Reviews Let Loose is rolling on
1st April

News & Reviews
'Acting for All' workshops - full details

The making of 'War Horse' - Mar 30th @ 8pm

Prompt Corner

A Golden Time with A Golden Umbrella

Everyone welcome at the 'Acting for All' workshops

News & Reviews

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Let Loose is rolling on

2008 looks like being the busiest year yet for the Let Loose programme.

The Woking Link Leisure group is busy preparing for the group’s Horizon Theatre Company show in the theatre on Sunday 3rd February. A flyer for this is included with this newsletter. They would welcome any Nomads, any age, who would like be punters at a fairground – the scene of the play. No auditions, no words to learn, no rehearsals – just turn up for the dress rehearsal and two short performances on the day.
If you are interested phone Bill Pearson on 01306 730582 or email him to tell him you are coming.

The first series of workshops for the White Lodge Centre in Pyrford finished just before Christmas with a highly successful showcase of A Christmas Carol. Hopefully the group will be performing at the grand opening event of the centre’s wonderful new building later in the year.

Weekly workshops for Disability Initiative have started in the Camberley Theatre.
The Let Loose programme has been asked to perform in East Horsley Village Hall for Surrey Community Action in March, as one of their recipients of a grant. They are holding a reception for people from all over the county.

Raising funds for Let Loose
After raising £1,550 for Let Loose activities over recent months Mel Bussicott and Tessa Hart are off again! They have a Jumble Sale booked in West Horsley Village Hall on Saturday 15th March. Please will anyone willing to help ring them – Mel on 07702 167962 or Tessa on 07962 155565. Drivers with cars with a good size boot who are prepared to take the leftovers to the dump afterwards are a priority!


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