The Nomads Theatre
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News & Reviews Tuesdays are the new Fridays!
15th May

News & Reviews
'Viva La Costa' Gala Night - May 14th.

Club Night - Apr 26th @ 8pm

Tuesdays are the new Fridays!

'Acting for All' workshops - full details

The making of 'War Horse' - Mar 30th @ 8pm

News & Reviews

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Tuesdays are the new Fridays!

Don’t forget the Tuesday evening open evenings in the bar. Due to the hard work and enthusiasm of Helen Longes and the team, attendance is steadily rising. Now they plan a series of specialist themes for each night. Do turn up and support these efforts. The themes for the next few weeks are:

22nd April: Shakespeare evening
29th April: Games Night
13th May: Spanish night
20th May: Games Night
27th May: Play reading

Do come along!


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