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News & Reviews Nine Auditions
6th February

News & Reviews
Roadworks on B2039 start 7 Jan 2008 - please allow extra time!

Let Loose is rolling on

AUDITIONS Jan 27/28 - Viva La Costa

AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Coping and Hoping

AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Family Ties

News & Reviews

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Nine Auditions

Guido Contini: Flamboyant film director / Casanova type, 50s. Baritone
Young Guido: Lively / excitable child, 9. Boy Soprano
Luisa Contini: His wife, glamorous Sophie Loren type, 40s, Mezzo
Carla: Guildo's mistress, a sensuous sex kitten, 20s Soprano
Claudia: Guido's theatrical/temperamental protegee, 30s Mezzo
Guido's Mama: Motherly (typical Italian Mama), 70s, Mezzo
Liliane la Fleur: Flamboyant film producer (O.T.T), 50s, Mezzo (Maurice La Fleur if played by a man Baritone)
Stephanie Nec: A hard-faced/acid-tongued film critic, 30s Soprano (Stefan Necrophorus if played by a man, Tenor)
Our Lady of the sea: Young/pure/spiritual/beautiful, 20s Soprano
Mama Madelena: Chief of chamber-maids/buxom, 50s Mezzo
Sarraghina: a voluptuous/uninhibited whore, 40s, Contralto
Diana: Italian actress, bitchy type, 30s Soprano
Maria: Italian actress trying to impress Guido, 30s Mezzo
Renata: Italian actress, pushy type 30s, Contralto (Renato if played by a man, Bass)
Annabelle: Italian actress protegee of Guido's/sexy, 20s Soprano
Olga: German actress (able to speak fluent German), 40s Mezzo
(Otto von Sturm if played by a man, Baritone)
2x young boyfriends of the young Guildo (non singing)

There will be a workshop on Sunday 3rd March at 2.30pm for members to familiarise themselves with the audition pieces. Auditions will be held on Sunday 17th March at 2.30pm and Monday 18th March at 7.30pm.

Call Steve Williams on 01737 249815 if you need any further information.

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