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News & Reviews Another Last Chance
4th July

News & Reviews
May Prompt Corner

Secrets and Latin, a MUST SEE!

Man of La Mancha Audition

Bill Pearson Award winner: Stuart Bangs

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Another Last Chance
Last Chance, a play by Peter Forbes which was performed as a rehearsed reading at a Club Night last year, is being entered for the Guildford Drama Festival in June.
Unfortunately some of those in the first cast aren't available, so we are recasting four parts. For the character of Death we are looking for a young woman playing a business-type person. Chris is a 30ish husband, Martha is anything from 30 to 70, a Brown Owl, a very
upright and moral person, and Napoleon is a bit of an idiot, male, any age, preferably tall, but lack of height won't be seen as a drawback.

Auditions will be on Sunday 4 May at 2.30 pm. Rehearsals will start in the week commencing 12 May and the play will be performed in the theatre on Sunday 22 June prior to the Festival. We are scheduled to perform the play at the Electric Theatre on Thursday 26 June.

Do come along and audition. It'll be great fun.

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