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Nomad News: January 2003
Stories in this Issue:
The Wizard of Oz
Production: Perfect Pitch Readthrough / Auditions
Man of La Mancha: Parts, Readthrough & Auditions
Wizard Painting Competition
The Nomes Showcases
Friday 17 to Sunday 26 January
This stunning show, which is the version presented by the RSC and uses the words and musical score of the classic film. is going to be a rare usual and theatrical treat.
There are still some seats left, mostly for the start of next week. If you don't want to be the one who says afterwards, 'I'm sorry I missed that', get moving and snap them up.
TO BOOK OR NOT TO BOOK... That's not the question
Production: Perfect Pitch Readthrough / Auditions |
A comedy by John Godber directed by John Norris 11th to 15th March
Synopsis A camping holiday brings together two disparate couples - a bank manager and his wife who are new at the camping game, and a young working class couple much more used to life in a tent. The comedy, which, like all John Godber's work, is snarp and gritty, arises out of their interaction.
Parts Older couple: Man 50+ Woman 40s Young couple: Man 25 Woman 19 -25
Readthrough Monday 20 January 7.30 pm in the bar
Auditions Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 January 7:30pm
Rehearsals will start on Sunday 2 February, and run Sundays 3-6 pm, Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays 7:30-10 pm
Man of La Mancha: Parts, Readthrough & Auditions |
to be directed by Steve Whittock 19th - 24th May
Synopsis Awaiting trial by the spanish Inquisition author Miguel de Cervantes is imprisoned. Traditionally a new arrival is "tried and convicted", by his fellow inmates and "fined" all of his possessions. In his defence, which will take the form of an entertainment, Cervantes not only enlists the help of his most famous literary creation Don Quixote, but that of his fellow prisoners.
Parts Miguel de Cervantes/Don Quixote de la Mancha - Male 35+ Sancho, his squire - male 25+ Dulcinea, serving girl - female 25+ Innkeeper - male 30+ Doctor - male 30+ Niece - female 20+ Barber - male 25+ Housekeeper - female 30+ Members of the Inquisition 6 male dancers - any age
Readthrough On Sunday 9 February at 11.30 for a midday start, there will be a pre-audition run through of the script and musical numbers from this show in the bar. Hopefully there will be a shoebox model of the set and the director will talk through his vision of the how the piece will be staged. We would encourage anybody with even the vaguest interest in auditioning, and also any techies or set builders, to come along and find out what its all about. The bar will be open from 12 and there will be nibbles to stave off hunger pangs!
will then be held on Sunday 16 February and
Monday 17 February as follows:
Sunday 16 February
(we strongly urge you to attend this audition day if at all possible)
12 noon Studio - any men who want to have a go at dancing
1 pm theatre and bar - singing and reading for men only
3 pm bar and studio - singing and reading for women
Monday 17 February
7.30 pm bar and studio - singing, dancing and reading for anybody
who couldn't make Sunday.
Rehearsals will start on Sunday 16 March (4pm), and run on Sundays 12 noon - 6 pm, Mondays and Wednesdays 7:30 - 10:15 pm
Man of La Mancha is a fantastic show. It is funny,
sad, dramatic and full of hope. Please come along
and join us, it's gonna be fab!
Wizard Painting Competition |
The painting competition run in conjunction with The Wizard of Oz produced over 80 entries from half a dozen local schools, Children were asked to make masks, either flat or on balloons, of the four principal characters in the show - Dorothy, Lion, Scarecrow and Tin Man.
The results were impressive, so much so that the judges had a hard job deciding on winners, Five first prizes were awarded, together with a prize for the best four masks from a single school (won by Notre Dame Preparatory School).
Prizes were presented by June Spencer OBE (Peggy woolley of The Archers) at the theatre on 4 January T W White and Sons, who sponsored the competition, gave prizes of book tokens, bags of goodies and a free weekend's driving in a new car. Winners also got free sessions at the Nomes Drama Workshops (for children over 7) and free tickets to the show.
Currently masks from 3 or 4 schools are on display in The Theatre, Church Street, Leatherhead, and there will also be a display in the Electric Theatre, Guildford, from the week cornmencing 20 January, Masks will also be on display in the Nomad Theatre during the run of The Wizard of Oz. |
On the last Saturday of the autumn term the Nomes gave two showcase performances - one by the Saturday groups followed by the older groups which meet on Thursdays and Fridays. The show was the first end of term event organised by the Nomes' new tutor Helen Manners and comprised contributions enthusiastically performed by each group. Improvisation played a major part in the production and helped to create a great sense of fun. There is plenty of talent among the older Nomes, which is good news for the future of the young Nomads.
The Spring term commences on Saturday 18th January and as this is during the run of The Wizard of Oz the classes on 18, 23, 24 and 25 January will be held in St Martin's Church Rooms. |