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News & Reviews
22nd January

News & Reviews
10th Anniversary Play in a Week

August Social Evenings

Drama workshops 11-15th August

July Social Evenings

'Annie' auditions

Do schools today kill creativity? (Sir Ken Robinson)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Director interview & Set Construction

Nomads Theatre Tour

First Annie video diary entry

Annie Box Office Opens!

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Nomad News: January 2006

Stories in this Issue:
Drama Workshops at Easter
LTG - 60 n out and almost 100
Film Day - Sunday 12 February
The Nomes
Prompt Corner
Snow White BOX OFFICE!

Drama Workshops at Easter

Over the Easter holiday period we will once again be running inclusive drama work shops, on stage in the theatre from 3rd to 21st April. These will be for a varied number of full days and half days, depending on the number of people interested in taking part. The workshop will give people of all ages with all types of disability the chance to participate in the performing arts. Workshops will include sessions on improvisation, voice and speech, dance and movement and singing.

There will also be sessions on theatre operation and an introduction to stage lighting and sound.

Non-disabled people of all ages are most welcome to attend as well. There will be a nominal For more information contact Bill on 01306 730582.

Don't miss your chance to join in
get your name on the list now!!

Phone Bill on 01306 730582


Oleanna - a studio production
Auditions to be held on: Tuesday 31st January at 7.30pm

Oleanna is an intense 2-hand drama about the relationship between a university lecturer and his female student. The climax is explosive but how it is reached is left ambiguous. We will, therefore, be working closely on the text and the character relationships using discussion and improvisation to ensure that we are all reading the play in the same way. This will be very much a group exploration and the cast must be prepared to experiment and learn lines as early in the rehearsal period as possible. Oleanna is set in the US so a sound American accent is needed. I think this is an exciting and challenging project and hope you do too.

I am looking for a man aged between 35ish and 55-ish and a girl who looks about 20.
If you have any questions or would like a chance to audition but can't make the 31st please call me on 07813 201155.

Jane Martin
Links: Oleanna,

LTG - 60 n out and almost 100

I wonder how many readers of the Nomad Newsletter know what LTG stands for? It is the Little Theatre Guild which celebrates its Diamond Jubilee this year. Back in 1946 leading theatre members of the Questors in Ealing, the Highbury in Sutton Coldfield, the People's Theatre in Newcastle and the Great Huckfield Players (now defunct) met in at the Waldorf Hotel in London - what better place - to establish an organisation for non-professional drama companies in the UK who owned their own theatre. There are now nearly 100 members.

There were 50 member theatres when the Nomads joined the Guild in 1982. Joining was not easy. There were two visits by Guild officers to interrogate us in great detail about how we operated, and our last three years' accounts were analysed as well. Frankly we were rather surprised when we passed muster and were invited to join.

Since then some 35 Nomads have attended LTG conferences and seminars on every conceivable aspect of theatre work. Many more of our members have helped with the 2 conferences we have run for the Guild's Southern Region. In 1994, our Diamond Jubilee year, our first conference was about the future of amateur theatre, when the speakers included the Chief Executive of the Arts Council in the South East, the National Director of Voluntary Arts Network, a director of the Policy Studies Institute in London and the officer at the Arts Council responsible for developing the format of National Lottery's arts sector plans. We finished up with over 80 delegates from many parts of the country.

The second conference many Nomads will remember was in 2004. Over the years we also ran seminars for the Guild on Prop Making and Makeup.

There is a chance now for one or two people to join Bill Pearson and Ken Woodward at the Guild's Jubilee Conference at Leicester Little Theatre on the weekend 7th to 9th April. The programme will include a range of subjects and some celebrity speakers. Being in the centre of the country it is sure to be well attended and we need to book up now. The Nomads give a grant to members who are delegates to cover half the cost of conference fees, meals and accommodation. Bill Pearson will be driving to Leicester and will be happy to give anyone interested a lift. For more details give him a ring on 01306 730582.

Since we joined the Guild 22 years ago seven Nomads have been our LTG rep and sadly the seventh, Martin Lawrence, is having to give the role up. Anyone interested to take on this fairly simple task should contact Charles Hope for more information about what is involved. Why not go the Diamond Jubilee Conference and see what it is all about?


Film Day - Sunday 12 February

Come and join us in the theatre on Sunday 12 February, at 2:30pm for a great day of film classics. This will be a double-bill of Maltese Falcon and M. Hulot's Holiday.

We will be putting posters up in the village to advertise this to non-members who live in the Horsley area-so if you would like to bring non member guests, they will be most welcome.

Tickets for the day will be £5.00-a real bargain. We will be serving tea and coffee between the films, and the bar will be open at the end of the second one for alcoholic refreshments!

Call Lauren to reserve your tickets as soon as possible 01483 282747


The Nomes

Happy New Year to all Nomes and Nomes' families!
Our new term has now started more fun-packed classes with our tutors Dylan Lowthian and Luis Echegaray. All the classes are now full, so sorry to anyone who didn't get on the list this time.

PLEASE DON'T FORGET - all Saturday classes will be in the St Martin's Church Rooms from now until and including 28th January. All Thursday classes will be in East Horsley Village Hall until and including 26th January. This is because the Panto is in full rehearsal and production now until the end of the month.

ALSO - please can you all make sure you are ON TIME for your classes so we can all get the most out of our sessions.

Tom Stevenson
01483 282954


Prompt Corner

We welcomed Ron Mills and Pip Burley to our Christmas luncheon, The bar looked very festive with decorations around the room and on the tables. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful team, who all work together to provide a warm welcome to our guests and members. Sadly, our Chairman Charles Hope was unable to attend so Brian conducted the proceedings from behind the bar. Pat provided a splendid Christmas meal, and Brian thanked Pat on behalf of us all before we dined.

Ron Mills was our guest singer. Ron has been a soloist for many years, taking leading roles in operatic societies and singing in cabaret, revues, concerts and at weddings and hotels on numerous occasions. He sang last year at our VE Day Club night.

Accompanying Ron and playing musical interludes on the piano was Pip Burley whose production company specialises in high rating TV dramas, including The Darling Buds of May, My Uncle Silas and A Touch of Frost. Pip wrote the music for The Darling Buds of May which won him an Ivor Novello award for best television music. His play No Exit For Students has recently been performed successfully at Kingswood. Mary Thomas gave an appreciative vote of thanks.

Karl Newman who was due to speak to us this month will now give his talk in May. Brenda Brooks will step in and organise a 'Poet's Luncheon' Several members have already offered to bring along a poem and recite it to the assembled guests. Should any one due to attend the lunch wish to contribute, will they please contact Brenda on 01483-282871.

Our speaker in February will be David Wheeler. He runs the conservation for applied and decorative arts. This covers all aspects of furniture, furnishings, ceramics, bronzes, jewels etc. for all the Royal Palaces. Book early, a talk not to be missed.

Mary Brooks


Snow White BOX OFFICE!
Box Office Line: 01483 284747

Snow White
Tickets for Snow White will be £10 for adults and £7 for children, The box office for the panto is being run by Judy Tweedale, and tickets are selling well-so don't delay! You can ring Judy at home on 01483 282938 for tickets, or leave a message on the box office answerphone and Judy will get back to you, or call in to the theatre on Saturday mornings.

Please don't forget to pay for your tickets at least a week before the show.

Thursday 19-Sunday 29
2:30pm / 7:30pm

Kiss of Death
Lauren will run the box office for the March production. Bookings can be made from 4th February, on the box office number or in person on Saturday mornings, usual time, 10am-12:30pm. All tickets will be £8.50.

Don't forget we can now take credit card bookings.

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