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2008 Newsletters:
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Nomad News: February 2008
Stories in this Issue:
Prompt Corner
A Golden Time with A Golden Umbrella
Everyone welcome at the 'Acting for All' workshops
Let Loose jumble sale
Nomes News
Forty one members attended our luncheon in January. Now that Richard Brown no longer owns the Delicatessen in Bishopsmead, he prepares our meals in the kitchen at the theatre. As he also remains behind to serve the meal, this is a great help to those of us who organise the luncheon. A real pro amongst us amateurs!.
Our speakers were Sue Barnard, the newly appointed General Manager at the Electric Theatre and her husband Geoff Lawson – Artistic Director of the Powerhouse Theatre Company. Sue began by telling us of their early days together. They met while performing in Catherine Cookson’s ‘The Fifteen Streets’ and then going on tour with the company. Sue continued acting until the arrival of their children thus retiring from the stage. Once the children were older, she returned to the world of the theatre, eventually joining the Electric Theatre. She became involved in the requests for grants for the Lottery Fund. She said that she was most impressed with the way the Nomad Theatre presented their case. Geoff has been working in the arts for the last 35
years as actor, writer, director and musician. His roots are in community theatre, having been a founder member of a well established theatre company in the North East. He decided to set up the Power House Theatre Company following a highly successful run of his play ‘Our War’ at the Electric Theatre in 2007. Geoff’s comments in the magazine ‘through the looking glass’ sum up his beliefs that the theatre can make a huge difference to our experience of the world, it can stimulate, excite, educate and literally change people’s lives. This is so in tune with Bill Pearson’s ‘Let Loose’ programme with our Play In A Week and the Workshops which he runs here at the Nomads.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th February, 2008. Our speaker will be Mac Bonar. His talk is entitled “Adventures in an Austin 7 – Lands End to John O’ Groats”. If any member cannot attend the luncheon, will they please telephone Mary Brooks by Sunday 17th February at the latest as, once meals are ordered, they have to be paid for. In March, we shall welcome John Dicker, asking the question “Who says retirement is boring”. |
A Golden Time with A Golden Umbrella |
Link Leisure’s Horizon Theatre Company had a great weekend in the theatre staging their play The Golden Umbrella, created by themselves with their own lines and jokes, brought together by Richard Fentiman, who directed the play and had led their weekly workshops every Sunday afternoon in Woking. The actors had a wonderful time working in a real theatre.
Richard asked that his thanks be passed on to all the wonderful Nomad people who worked so hard over the two days and entered into the spirit of it all so completely.
Indeed one of the helpers, Irene Drummond, has said of the event “It was a pleasure to be part of it and the other Nomad helpers were very friendly and fun! I got so much from the ‘actors’ themselves and their helpers- what a wonderful bunch of people. |
Everyone welcome at the 'Acting for All' workshops |
From Tuesday 25 March to Friday 4 April the theatre will be abuzz with the Let Loose programme’s annual Acting for All workshops, with two diverse workshops every day. These cover Act Up for beginners; ACT - Advanced Creative Training for people with a bit of experience; Whirligig - working on movement, more from Jane Martin on playwriting - two of her courses last year have their plays in the Nomad Studio in April; dance led by Helen Louise Lampard – choreographer for a number of Plays in a Week; improvisation and character; singing for scaredy cats; acting for radio while highly experienced Steve Harper, an actor with the Trestle Theatre, will again be working on Mime and Masks.
Anyone interested in coming to join in can get an Acting for All brochure from Bill Pearson on bill.pearson@ukonline.co.uk or Sarah Thomas on awyr96@dsl.pipex.com. |
The jumble sale will now be on Saturday, 12th April in West Horsley Village Hall.
Please put the date in your diary and start collecting your jumble! |
Well, it has taken a while but finally here is my first Nomes newsletter editorial…
Before I tell you what we have been up to Mel and I would like to thank everyone for being so friendly and helpful since we both joined The Nomad Theatre. The Nomes have done so much in the term and a half since September. We have mastered mime, created our own radio plays – including a visit by an actual cast member from ‘The Archers’ – June Spencer OBE, and the improvisation exercises have given us an insight into the imaginations of our Nomes (exciting if not a little scary!). Mel and I are so pleased with the progress the Nomes have made and I have enjoyed seeing some great performances in the Panto and The Golden Umbrella.
We are working on stagecraft techniques this term, gearing up for the summer show, which is still a closely guarded secret, until half term at least, after which all will be revealed. We hope to be pestering many of you during the coming months, to help us put on a dazzling show, so just to get you thinking…
Does anyone have a jukebox we can borrow ? |