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2008 Newsletters:
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Nomad News: April 2008
Stories in this Issue:
'Viva La Costa' Gala Night - May 14th.
Club Night - Apr 26th @ 8pm
Tuesdays are the new Fridays!
'Viva La Costa' Gala Night - May 14th. |
The Gala Night for ‘Viva La Costa’ will be May 14th 2008.
Katy Kirton writes:
“The Gala Night for this production is in aid of the Surrey Association for Visual Impairment (SAVI). SAVI is well known to regular theatregoers having enjoyed several gala nights in the past. It is a Surreywide charity for blind, and partially sighted adults and children and is located in Fetcham. It started life as the Surrey Voluntary Association for the Blind in 1922 and, since then has transformed itself into a vibrant social enterprise provding many charity and contract services such as rehabilitation and work for deafblind, and a high quality resource and low vision centres, It employs almost 80 staff, full and part time, and is enormously proud of the services that its 300 volunteers carry out. This gala night coincides with SAVI’s recent incorporation. If you want to know more about the charity, contact us on 01372 377701.The website is www.surreywebsight.org.uk”. |
Club Night - Apr 26th @ 8pm |
Another item for your Diary. Artistic Director, John Norris, has organised a varied programme for the evening, centred on a new production of ‘Sea Food Lasagne’ by Lawrence Armitage and Vicki Jameson, in preparation for the Sir Michael Caine Drama Festival at the Leatherhead Theatre on 12th May. Come and support our younger members, even if you saw the play last September.
And, in addition, an array of talent will be on display. with a series of varied and fast-moving items provided by members of all ages to complete the evening’s enjoyment. |
Tuesdays are the new Fridays! |
Don’t forget the Tuesday evening open evenings in the bar. Due to the hard work and enthusiasm of Helen Longes and the team, attendance is steadily rising. Now they plan a series of specialist themes for each night. Do turn up and support these efforts. The themes for the next few weeks are:
22nd April: Shakespeare evening
29th April: Games Night
13th May: Spanish night
20th May: Games Night
27th May: Play reading
Do come along! |