Nomad Players Ltd
How to support us
1. Donate by cheque or postal order
Made payable to Nomad Players Limited, The Nomad Theatre Bishopsmead Parade, East Horsley, Surrey KT24 6RT
Contact us to set up a monthly standing order.
2. Donate online
Online payments: The Nomads', at Barclays Bank plc, Leatherhead, sort code 20-29-90 a/c no. 70056928
Please mark your payment as DONATION
3. Shop on Amazon using Amazon Smile
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Local and larger businesses
We would very much welcome donations and partnerships with local business owners, and funding opportunities from grant-giving bodies.
If you'd like to know how, and what benefits this brings to your business, please get in touch.
For more information, contact us:
T: 01483 284717
Registered Charity No. 287729
Registered in London No. 1165454
NPL is the charitable body which built and owns the theatre, and is responsible for its upkeep. NPL is run by a board of up to ten people who are designated directors of the company and trustees of the charity, and who meet regularly to discuss the issues of the moment and decide on any action that needs to be taken. NPL licenses The Nomads and The Greenroom Club to use the theatre.
Registered Office of Nomad Players Limited:
Telephone: 01483 284717 | email: [email protected]
Registered Charity No. 287729
Registered in London No. 1165454
Incorporated the 3rd day of April, 1974
*The Company is established to promote, maintain, improve and advance education and in particular in co-operation with the unincorporated association known as The Nomads in the production of educational plays, operas and other stage presentations and the encouragement of the arts, including the arts of drama, mime, dance, singing and music, to formulate, prepare and establish schemes therefor provided that all objects of the Company shall be of a charitable nature.
To purchase, hire, take on lease or otherwise acquire for the purpose of the theatre club any real or personal property and in particular any lands, buildings, furniture, club and household effects, utensils, books, newspapers, periodicals, musical instruments, fittings, apparatus, appliances, conveniences and accommodation and so far as the law or the licence of the Board of Trade may from time to time allow to sell, demise, let, mortgage or dispose of the same.
To erect, maintain, improve or alter any buildings for the purposes of the Club.
To provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, exhibitions, public meetings, classes and conferences calculated directly or indirectly to advance the cause of education whether general, professional or technical and the theatre.
To invest the moneys of the Association not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may be thought fit subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law and subject also as hereinafter provided.
To carry on any other business which may seem to the Association conveniently carried on in connection with and do all such things as are incidental to or conducive to the attainment of any of the above specified objects.
To borrow or raise money for the objects of the Company on such terms and on such security as may be thought fit, and whether by the creation and issue of debentures or debenture stock or otherwise.
*Clause amended by EGM, 29 March 1983.