Booking Information |
21st November
Booking InformationThe Nomads Box Office phone number is 01483 284747.Non-members can attend performances only by becoming members of the Nomad Playgoers and Greenroom Club. The annual membership fee is 25p (year ends 31st May). When purchasing tickets, please make cheques payable to: The Nomads at the non-members ticket price per person as necessary. If you are not collecting your tickets please enclose a SAE. Send your order to: Box Office Nomad Theatre, Bishopsmead Parade, East Horsley, Surrey KT24 6RT We also accept Visa or Mastercard transactions by phone. Please ring for more information. An infra-red hearing aid for those with hearing difficulties is available and, at curtain performances, there is an audio descriptive service for visually impaired theatregoers. Please tell the box office if you require this service
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