Nomes |
21st November
The NomesNomes Spring NewsThe Nomes Spring term started on 5 January. All our classes are full of enthusiastic and energetic children! They are again led by Dylan and Luis who work each week on basic drama skills, improvisation, mime, text work. Alongside this, visiting tutors cover singing, rhythm, various dance style and stunt work or stage fighting. We offer four 90 minute classes each week: three on Saturdays for the younger ones, from 09.45 to 11.15, 11.30 to 1.00, and from 1.30 to 3.00, and on Thursdays for those aged 11 or over from 6.00 to 7.30. A further Thursday class is by invitation only. Classes run every week until 25 March, with a break for half term on 11, 16, 18 February. Termly fees are £65, which includes a contribution towards the costs of next Summer's production. Although all the classes are full this term, we do keep a mailing list. If you would like to add your child’s name, please email us at, or phone Tom Stevenson at 01483 282954. |
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