News & Reviews Mother Goose Auditions
11th September

From the Editor's Desk

Shirley Valentine Show

From the Editor's Desk

AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp

AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'


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Mother Goose Auditions

Poor Mother Goose has no money or husband to support her. She lives in a cottage in Gooseland with her son Jack. One day fortune shines upon her frugal existence in the shape of a golden egg-laying goose named Precilla.

The Squire and the evil Demon each make plans to relieve Mother Goose of her new-found wealth. Will they succeed? Will the good and kind fairy save the day? Or will Mother Goose's goose be cooked by the King of Gooseland? Will Jack ever get the girl? Why does Tommy baby-sit the Squire's wife? Do Gretchen's brothers and sisters ever get a new daddy? Does Jill? And what has the Isle of Wight got to do with anything?

To find out either book your tickets for the best Hiss and Boo panto around, or audition for a part on Sunday 5 October at 3 pm or Monday 6 October at 8 pm.

Nomes auditions will be October 9, 10 and 11.

List of characters:

Mother Goose Typical Panto Dame  Male - any age
Sheriff A good sort  Male - age 35 - 50
Silly Willy Daft assistant to sheriff Age 16 - 25
Jack Mother Goose's son Age 16-25
Jill May Queen (Loves Jack) Age 16 - 25
Tommy A Village youth Age 16 - 25
Precilla A Goose Any age but must fit the costume!
Squire Tawdry Nasty property owner Age 40+
Gretchen Au Pair from the Isle of Wight Voluptuous
Marjorie Squire's Daughter Age 16 - 25
Demon Nasty person Any age
Fairy Nice person Any age
King of Gooseland Imposing person Any age
Gretchen's brothers x3 Nomes (4 teams)
Gretchen's sisters x3 Nomes (4 teams)

There are any number of villagers some doubling as Ghosts etc

Please note that all character ages shown are approximate so don't be put off if you are a bit older or younger. We are very flexible.

Links: Mother Goose,

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