News & Reviews Let Loose: Seminar 13th October
21st November

Let Loose: Seminar 13th October

From the Editor's Desk

Shirley Valentine Show

From the Editor's Desk

AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp


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Let Loose: Seminar 13th October

Let Loose - Seminar

Saturday 13th October 2PM
Explore ways of creating inclusively


Whatever the form – visual or performing arts, you or your group are involved in - are you involving all sections of the community?


Come and find out how people in different art forms are including people with all types of disability in their work and see examples and video presentations.


A chance to meet and discuss the ways other groups are being inclusive in their activities.


The seminar will be held at the Nomad Theatre and is part of the theatre’s “Let Loose” programme – letting loose every bodies talents.


The seminar will end by 4pm.


Admission £3,
 Includes drinks and refreshments.

More information from

Bill Pearson on 01306 730582 


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