News & Reviews Prompt Corner Christmas Lunch
9th January

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AUDITIONS Feb 08 - Family Ties

Prompt Corner Christmas Lunch

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Prompt Corner Christmas Lunch

The speaker at our November luncheon was Christian Dettlaff, Gallery and Exhibition Manager at the Guildford House Gallery. His talk was illustrated with slides of the Gallery, paintings and ceramics. The house was built in the 1660’s and in 1956 was turned into The Gallery. Many exhibitions are held there, the current one being ‘Spin and Weave 2007’ which will be on until the 22nd December. There were many questions following his talk which was much enjoyed.


Our Christmas Luncheon this year will be held on Wednesday, 19th December for 1.00.p.m. in the Theatre bar and foyer. We shall close the main door to the foyer and come in by the side door. Musical entertainment will be provided by Jay Bristow who is the Musical Director for Play In A Week. A raffle will be held to cover expenses; prizes will be gratefully received. The caterer will be Richard Brown who previously owned Molly B’s Delli but still runs his catering business.

If there are any queries with regard to bookings for the luncheon, please contact Mary Brooks – tel; 01483-283507.

Our speakers in January will be presenting a joint talk entitled “Sue Barnard and Geoff Lawson – Working in the Arts”.


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