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2004 Newsletters:
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Nomad News: December 2004
Stories in this Issue:
Happy New Year
Voices in the Mist
Old Time Music Hall
Film Night: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Sound of Music Box Office!
If you are reading this on Saturday morning, you still have a chance to book for the remaining performances of Sound of Music next week. Tuesday 14th is the Singalong performance, and if Arrie has anything to do with it (and he has ) it will be a hilarious evening - don't miss it.
There might be mulled wine and mince pies in the bar afterwards (but you'll have to come along to find out!
Oh, and there might also be some of Lauren's Mega Christmas Chocolate Boozy Stuff too!)
There will be a HUGE PRIZE for the best costume!
If you have a kazoo, you should bring it with you...
By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid: the night is still; Christmas ells from hill to hill Answer each otter in the mist.
Four voices of four hamlets round, From far and near, on mead and moor, Swell out and fail, as if a door Were shut between me and the sound:
Each voice four changes on the wind, That now dilate, and now decrease, Peace and goodwill, goodwill and peace, Peace and goodwill, to all mankind.
Everybody's favourite evening out - play to packed audiences, take 4 bows and an encore! Sounds good, doesn't it? Then bring to the show your talents in singing, dancing, juggling or magic - in fact anything! We are currently casting acts for this extravaganza, which will be presented from Tuesday A 1st to Saturday 5th March. Rehearsal time will be A kept to a minimum, as the main work will be A needed for the 2 weeks before the show date. Don't be shy! Phone Martin on 01483 830825 or email martin.r.lawrance@ntlworld.com. I look forward to hearing from you. |
Film Night: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid |
Our next Film Night will be on Saturday 15 January, starting at 8pm with the bar open from 7pm. Come along for a wild west adventure with Paul Newman and Robert Redford in:
Sound of Music Box Office! |
Box Office Line: 01483 284747
SOUND OF MUSIC The box office for Sound of Music has been very busy, and some of our performances are now sold out. By the time you read this we will have done a couple of performances already, so if you haven't booked yet, it's nearly but not quite too late! You can still ring the box office number above to book; if we're not there we'll ring you back. Tickets are £10 for adults and £7 for children of 12 and under.
The Tuesday performance (14 December) is a SINGALONG - so don your costumes and join us for an evening of great fun and frolic! All tickets for this performance will be £15. And... there's a prize for the best costume, to be presented by the director after the show.