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2007 Newsletters:
Yearly Archive:
1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
Nomad News: June 2007
Stories in this Issue:
Producer of TV hits 'The Darling buds of May' and 'A Touch of Frost' joins Nomad
From the Editor's Desk
'Allo, 'Allo: Actors and help required
Aladdin and the Standard Lamp: Actors and help required
A name for Play in a Week?
Shirley Valentine
Charles Chronicles
Workshop Weekend Shakespeare's Globe 10th - 12th August, 2007
Little Theatre Guild: Annual Conference
Prompt Corner: May
Nomes: Job Advertisement
Nomes: Nomes Administrator
In The Wings
Nomad Treasure Hunt
Nomad Draw: May
Producer of TV hits 'The Darling buds of May' and 'A Touch of Frost' joins Nomad |
We are delighted to welcome Pip Burley, who will be directing his new play `Viva La Costa' in April 2008. John Norris tells us that Amateur Stage is going to be involved with this production from inception until completion. This will be an exciting opportunity for members to work with Pip on the premiere of a new work. We start off with a Workshop on Saturday, 8th July from 11 am to about 3.30 pm, the bar being open at lunchtime. Amateur Stage will be in attendance. More details in the next Newsletter. Meanwhile, John can give you further information on 01903 786247. |
Did you see ART? If not, you missed a treat. I don't think I've ever heard such a roar of approbation from the audience at Nomads. Congratulations to Brandon and the three man cast who gave us a memorable interpretation of this great play.
Space doesn't allow reproduction of the newspaper review but there is no need. As one member of the audience said "It was better than the original" I will happily endorse that.
Just space to congratulate Ed Mott's success in the recent Michael Caine Drama Festival at the Leatherhead Theatre.
Therfield School's production of 'Graham 'won the Youth Best Play award. Well done. Alan |
'Allo, 'Allo: Actors and help required |
Actors and help required!
If you don't read anything else in this Newsletter, please note and keep this page -put it on your notice board. The success of future shows depends on your enthusiasm and participation.
'Allo, 'Allo
Director: John Norris
Production Dates: 4-6th Oct, 10-13th October
Rene: the put-upon proprietor
Edith: his wife (non-singer preferred)
Yvette & Mimi: two sexy French maids
Michelle: "I shall say this only once"
Colonel Von Strom: "I want the wet lettuce and flying helmet"
Gruber: "Come and see my little tank"
Herr Flick: Gestapo chief
Helga: his secretary
Alberto: highly decorated Italian warm hero
Crabtree: "Good Moaning"
Leclerc: "It is I, Leclerc"
Schmelling: Sword of Damocle
Soldiers, peasants, two airmen
(not forgetting the stuffed cockatoo and inflatable Hitters)
Place: the Cafe Rene in occupied France during the Second World War.
Based on the hugely popular TV comedy series, the stage version of 'Allo, 'Allo, follows the adventures of Rene, as he and Edith struggle to keep for themselves a priceless portrait kept in a sausage in their cellar. At the same time, Rene is hiding two British airmen and is endeavouring, with the help of the Resistance, to repatriate them. Communications with London through a wireless is disguised as a cockatoo add to the many embarrassments he endures. Matters come to a head with the news that the Fuhrer is to visit the town and the cafe becomes filled with tricksters intending to impersonate Hitler before the event. Rene will need all the wit he can muster to save his cafe and his life...!
Auditions July 22nd 3 pm 23rd 7.30 pm
Aladdin and the Standard Lamp: Actors and help required |
Actors and help required for the upcoming shows
If you don't read anything else in this Newsletter, please note and keep this page -put it on your notice board. The success of future shows depends on your enthusiasm and participation.
Aladdin and the Standard Lamp
Director: Steve Whittock
Production Dates: 17th-27th January, 2008
A pantomime specially written for us by lain Fraser, with music by Darren Jameson
Those who audition will need to have prepared a song, preferably with sheet music.
If you would like to audition for the show, please let Tom Stevenson (01483282954 nomes1@randt.eclipse.co.uk)
Rehearsals will start at the end of October
Nomes 14th/15th July Adults 4th/5th August
Auditions will be held individually from 10 am onwards. Book a time with Tom. |
A name for Play in a Week? |
The team at one of the Play in a Week workshops with a very long list of their ideas, . It includes people from the Discovery Group, Freewheelers, Grange Centre and Seeability, who kindly hosted the event.
Play in a Week has begun with two workshops. Participants have developed a wealth of wonderful ideas which Anita Sullivan will now turn into a script tailormade for 40 performers, musicians and other roles.
A wedding is in progress at a big London hotel. The bride and groom are given the key to their room by a curious old retainer. But this is no ordinary key-it opens every door and behind each is a different decade in the building's chequered history. The bride and groom become separated. They rove through time trying to find each other and on the way discover more about the hotel's dodgy past... and about each other.
Plenty of people have volunteered to help the production on or backstage. If anyone else would like to be involved for the week please contact Sarah on 01483 284070 or Bill on 01306 730582. There are two performances on Saturday 21st July at 7.30 (note the time) and Sunday 22nd July at 12 noon. The Box Office will be open 10.30-3.30 each that week.
Bill Pearson |
Willy Russell, the author, is one of Britain's most performed playwrights, and was awarded `Best Comedy' in the Laurence Olivier Awards in 1988 for this play. Jane Macintyre recreates the eponymous heroine, and the play is directed by Keith Macdonald.
Put upon housewife and mother Shirley is at the beck and call of husband, children friends and even her employer's dog. Yet inside lurks the adventuress and rebel she once was, yearning to travel to a land where grapes are kissed by the son. We agonise with Shirley and long for her to break free, sharing many hilarious moments along the way. Shirley Valentine, best known in its film version, has even more impact in the original stage version, with its superbly written dialogue delivered with all the punch of stand-up comedy
Performances are on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th July at 8 p.m. .
The play includes adult content- the text includes words you may not wish your children to hear. |
A regular slot for our Chairman to bring you up to date with the latest news views and thoughts
Play Reviews between the lines Genuinely popular-Coach parties only
A subtle portrayal-This actor is practically inaudible
Epic- I thought it would never end Young and Raw-written by someone whose only experience is watching East Enders Cutting Edge-I hated it, but don't want to sound fuddy-duddy Domestic drama -Doesn't mention Iraq or the state of the NHS Avoids fashionable gestures completely out of touch
Video Installation A cinema without seats and a film without a plot Relevant-fashionable Challenging-I don't get it
Missed at your peril-I can't think of a last sentence
Taken from the LTG newsletter May 2007
On a more serious note, may I mention that less than a third of you have yet renewed your Membership |
Workshop Weekend Shakespeare's Globe 10th - 12th August, 2007 |
Contributed by our Representative, Phil Lunt.
The LTG is putting on another of its popular Weekend Workshops at Shakespeare's Globe. To quote from `Globe Education'
"This intensive weekend programme is designed to immerse participants in the working practices of professionals preparing a performance for the Globe Theatre space. Participants will attend the Saturday matinee performance of Love's Labour's Lost' and will have the opportunity to meet with members of the theatre company. Using `Loves Labour's Lost' as the primary focus, participants will work collaboratively with theatre practitioners in three groups, to explore practical approaches to Shakespeare's text and to create a presentation of scenes from the play as a finale to the weekend. "
This workshop is open to all and costs £118 for the weekend, including lunch on both days. B&B accommodation can be arranged at booking, contact Phil (£64 for a twin room for 2 nights, £70 single) and I'm told it's only a stone's throw from the Globe.
Places are limited and closing date for application is Monday 2nd July. For further information and a booking form contact Phil phil.lunt@hotmail.com
Little Theatre Guild: Annual Conference |
As you know, Ken Woodward, has been involved with the Amateur Theatre since 1947 (See Prompt Corner, March). He writes:
I travelled to Altringham Garrick Playhouse as the Deputy Delegate for our theatre. A good proportion of the 124 delegates had arrived by Friday evening for the informal get together during which party pieces and poems were presented by some eight of us. The evening concluded with supper.
Saturday morning gave the opportunity to take a tour of this fine theatre. The first production of the Society took place in 1914. Productions continued at various venues. A plot of land was acquired in 1926 and the theatre opened in 1932. We were all given a book detailing the activities up until 1996. Following the A.G.M. the much valued open forum took place. During the afternoon there was a choice of lectures to attend.
It is the custom for the delegates to attend the last performance of the current play "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, a sad and sombre play set in an American mental home. An excellent production. I felt our reactions to it depended on whether a member of our own family had, in the past been detained in this way. It is usual for these conferences to conclude with lunch at a nearby restaurant. We found the lounge bar had become a restaurant and we were served an excellent hot meal.
This was a conference which kept us busy and filled us with verve, thanks to our attentive hosts
Ken Woodward
We must express our thanks and appreciation to Ken, along with so many other unsung heroes who do so much to add to the Organisation and ambience of our Company.
In the absence of the projected speaker (see last issue) Brenda Brooks arranged another of her popular poetry readings, where several members read poems of their own choice, interspersed with a selection of Brenda's "buzz words" (when did these words first occur), a questionnaire with audience participation. Many were guessed correctly but some came as a complete surprise.
Bill Pearson presented one of the audio plays, recorded by members of the theatre. `Thank You For Your Sympathy' was an amusing play in which several of our members who had taken part in the reading were present. It was greatly appreciated by those assembled. These plays are now in the local hospitals' network There are no meetings in June (when many will be on our annual visit to Chichester on the 21st-coach leaves Bishopsmead at 10.30 a.m.- packed lunches can be ordered from Molly B's (01483-284049) or July and August.
The next meeting is on Wednesday, 19th September when the speaker will be Peter Barlow, Director of the Guildford School of Acting Conservatoire. May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a relaxed and enjoyable summer.
Mary Brooks |
Our Nomes classes provide an opportunity for children aged between 7 and 16 to experience the fun of the theatre whilst gaining social confidence by working with others. They make a significant contribution towards the running costs of our building. Due to the forthcoming retirement of our present incumbent, there us now a vacancy for an unpaid part-timer. |
Nomes: Nomes Administrator |
The administrator deals with registration of Nomes members and new enquiries, booking alternative venues when our Theatre is in use, and authorising payment of tutors.
The job would suit a Nome parent or retired Nomad and is suitable for job-sharing, Computer experience is useful. Full training will be given. Whether you are seeking a new occupation, a way to keep your mind active, or to make a contribution to the Nomads, this is the post for you.
For more information, contact Tom Stevenson, nomes1@randt.eclipse.co.uk |
A Miscellany of News and Views, from or about Nomads. The Editor welcomes contributions (brief) to tell everyone what's going on Roanna Cochrane's professional career continues. After eight months touring around the U.K. with the Nuffield Theatre, she will be playing Olivia in 'Twelfth Night' from 21st June-7th July in the Guildford Castle grounds and Helena in ';Midsummer Night's Dream' from 12th-21st July at the University of Surrey Lake with the award-winning Guildford Shakespeare Company. To book tickets phone 01483 304384 or go to www.guildford-shakespeare-company.co.uk |
It's been a while since the last Nomad Treasure Hunt and now it's back. This year's hunt will take place on Sunday 24`x' June, from 12.30 onwards. The course is 20 miles long; it should take one hour to complete, and promises to be a good day out for all. It is suggested that each car has a team of 4 or 5 occupants. Teams can be made up of members and non-members, the more the merrier!! You can register on arrival at the theatre from 12.30, the first car will set off at 1.00 and each subsequent team will then leave at 5 min intervals. The cost per team entry is £5. Each team will need to bring a pen/ pencil and a digital camera (or mobile phone with camera function). You can also bring a picnic style tea with you to eat after your trek. The bar will be open for light refreshment. Points will be awarded for correctly answered questions, observation, photographic evidence, and best costumes of a piratical nature (costumes not essential, but could boost your final score!!). The winning team will receive certificates, a small prize and a pat on the back. For more information contact Helen Longes. |
The May winner (£50) was Nicholas Scurfield |