News & Reviews
3rd December

Let Loose: Seminar 13th October

From the Editor's Desk

Shirley Valentine Show

From the Editor's Desk

AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp


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Nomad News: July 2007

Stories in this Issue:
Shirley Valentine Show
From the Editor's Desk
AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp
AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'
Forthcoming Productions: The Key
Forthcoming Production: Two for Dinner
Treasure Hunt - Review

Shirley Valentine Show

Don't miss the Studio Theatre production, directed by Keith Macdonald with Jane Macintyre, both of the Creaction Company, Guildford, on 27th and 28th July at 8 pm. Shirley, put upon housewife and mother, is at the beck and call of husband, children friends and even her employer's dog. Yet she yearns to escape to a land where grapes are kissed by the sun. We agonise with Shirley and long for her to live her dreams, and break free, sharing many hilarious moments on the way. This play has even more impact than the well-known film, with, the dialogue delivered with all the punch of stand-up comedy. Contains adult material.

From the Editor's Desk

Unfortunately, I was forced to miss both the Car Rally and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe as I was rehearsing or performing The Life of Christ at Wintershall. I hear, however, that I missed a super production of the Nomes play, a review of which by Bill Pearson can be found on Page 3 After all Helen Longes' hard work and originality in organising the Treasure Hunt on 24th June, it was disappointing that the weather decided to play a hand, as the afternoon was more akin to February than mid-summer, Those who did attend, nonetheless, thoroughly enjoyed themselves despite the non-stop rain and we trust that Helen will not be deterred from trying again next year (see Helen's article on Page 3)

Last month I raved about Brandon McGuire's production of ART and on the evening I attended the Theatre was nearly full' What a shame, therefore, to discover that the overall attendance was so low. If our extensive membership cannot turn out for such an adventurous and exciting show, are we going (like other companies) to be reduced to a diet of 'safe' drama that can be guaranteed to put bottoms on seats? Surely we have a duty to members and the area to provide a varied programme for all tastes and investigate challenging and difficult, but rewarding, plays? Take a look at Tony Flook's review of ART!


AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp

The wheels have already started turning for this year's panto. Aladdin and the Standard Lamp is being written especially for us by lain Fraser and the music is being composed by Darren Jameson, for which we consider ourselves to be incredibly privileged.

We have had a good response from our younger actors and actresses and now need to cast the adults. As this script is being written for us, parts can be written in and out of the production, but here is a likely list of characters:


Dame Foralaff - Aladdin's Mother (Widow Twanky in trail panto)

Uncle Gazumper - Aladdin's Wicked Uncle and the villain the piece

Princess Street - Aladdin's love interest who is subsequently kidnapped by the wicked Uncle

Balthazar - Gazumper's not-too-bright Henchman

Ham - Assistant to Balthazar

Spam - Assistant to Balthazar

Jam - Assistant to Balthazar

Wee Jeannie - one of the 'Genies' of the lamp (ideally played by male)

Big Jeannie - other of the 'Genies' - (again male ideally)

Mouldy - Female neighbour, and busybody, Dame Foralaff

Scullery - Husband of Mouldy

Queen Beehive - Mother of Princess Street and love interest of Gazumper (as part of his world domination plan)

Village Children - There were only 4 in the original and they were woefully under-used!

Narrator - Only a few lines for this part.

Adult auditions will take place on the 4th and 5th August. Please book your audition time by e-mailing the director, Steve Whittock at or by phoning the producer, Helen Longes on 07809 125397. Production dates are 17th - 27th January 2008. Rehearsals start at the end of October. If you can offer us any other assistance with the show, we would love to hear from you. Thanking you in advance,

Helen Longes

AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'

Production Dates: 5th-6th Oct, 10-13th Oct

Director: John Norris


Rene - the put-upon proprietor, age 40's

Edith - his wife (non-singer preferred), similar age.

Yvette & Mimi - two sexy French maids,  teens or twenties.

Michelle - "I shall say this only once" (young attractive and mysterious)

Colonel Von Strom - "I want the wet lettuce and flying helmet", middle-aged

Gruber - "Come and see my little tank" (thirties)

Herr Flick - Gestapo chief (thirties)

Helga - his secretary (blonde and beautiful, late twenties)

Alberto - highly decorated Italian war of hero (late thirties)

Crabtree - "Good Moaning" (thirties)

Leclerc - "It is I, Leclerc£ (elderly and mad)

Schmelling - Sword of Damocles (middle aged)

Soldiers, peasants, two airmen (various ages)

(not forgetting the stuffed cockatoo and inflatable Hitlers)

Place: the Cafe Rene in occupied  France during the Second World War

Auditions July 22nd 3pm, July 23rd 7.30pm

Links: 'ALLO 'ALLO,

Forthcoming Productions: The Key

The Key (Play in a Week)
July 16th-22nd

A honeymoon couple find that their room key opens many doors, each of which leads to a separate part of the hotel's dodgy past

Bill Pearson writes "Groups from all participating organisations are most welcome to come and sit in on rehearsals as, indeed, are any Nomads who would like to drop in and see what is going on"

Note also that the Box Office will be open between 10.30 am and 3.30 pm each day of the PIAW week, as well as Sat 14th.

Forthcoming Production: Two for Dinner
Two for Dinner

August 28th-Sep 1st

Our younger members present two original plays in the Studio at 8 pm.

Two's Company
by Roanna Cochrane
"A compilation"

(Full details next month)



"Seafood Lasagne"
by Laurence Armitage and Vicki Jamieson

Owen has been going out with Abi for three years and has decided that tonight is the night he will propose to her. He has thought long and hard about this and has planned everything in minute detail to make sure it will be the perfect evening. However, he has not planned on his younger brother, Josh, turning up ... What follows is an evening - of laughs, tears, and lasagne.
`Seafood Lasagne' is a new play from two first time writers. Laurence should be known to most Nomads as he has been a member since 1987, and been involved in many shows both on and off stage, and also ran the Young Nomads for a couple of years. Vicki should be remembered for loitering back stage in shows such as `Billy', `Peter Pan' and `A Christmas Carol'.



Treasure Hunt - Review

The 2007 Nomad Treasure Hunt took place on Sunday 24th June. It was a wet and miserable day, but this did not dampen the piratical efforts of those who took part. The route took the teams to Painshill, Mercedes-Benz World and the Chatley Heath Semaphore Tower, before returning to the theatre. Our budding Pirates had to answer questions at their destinations and en route to acquire the valuable points that would lead them to victory' Photographic evidence of their epic journey also scored them highly.

The winning team was 'The Fantastic Four' with a total of 93 points. Ed and his 'Mottley' crew, Roanna, Paul and Dan, sailed into the lead with a keen eye for detail and, of course, by deceiving their opponents in true piratical form. They received a small prize and a certficate for their efforts.

Cogratulations also go to the runners up 'The Two Musketeers + Girls', Nick J, Nick W, Olivia and Harriet, who fought well and scored 86 points.

The day concluded in the bar, where the teams exchanged tales of their quest over a well earned drink.

As Captain of the sea, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to Lisa, Sapph and Charlie for proving to be worthy shipmates, and to Sarah Thomas for serving the liquor Well done to all involved!

Helen Longes


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