News & Reviews
3rd December

Let Loose: Seminar 13th October

From the Editor's Desk

Shirley Valentine Show

From the Editor's Desk

AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp


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Stories in this Issue:
From the Editor's Desk

From the Editor's Desk

For some reason, I had never before attended a 'Play in a Week' production and was vague about its origins and methodology. What a delightful evening it was and I can thoroughly endorse everything Brenda Brooks writes. The enthusiasm of these youngsters is credit, not only to the organisers, but also to their inherent joie de vivre. Predictions of the demise of Young Nomads have, once again, proved premature. Not only are Y.N. producing a show early in September but the slightly older (but still young) members will be entertaining us with two original one-acters at the end of August (details of both productions in this issue).

In addition, Ed Mott is bringing his successful production of 'Graham' , which won the Youth Award at the Michael Caine Drama festival at the Leatherhead Theatre in May to the studio for a single performance in the Studio on 19th October. Do, please, support the young generation in their efforts-they are our future.

The Prompt Corner trip to Chichester in June to see 'Babes in Arms' was an enormous success, the coach being filled and an excellent lunch enjoyed, either al fresco or in the 'Chic Restaurant'. Congratulations are due especially to Sylvia McKinley for all her hard work and organisation.

Happy holiday, everyone Alan


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