by Rodgers and Hammerstein
Box Office Line: 01483 284747
Perhaps the most famous musical of all time, THE SOUND OF MUSIC has become synonymous with Christmas. "My Favourite Things", "Do - Re- Mi", "Edelweiss" and of course, "The Sound of Music", are some theatres most famous songs. Maria, a young nun, is sent out into the world as governess to the 7 children of the widowed naval captain. With patience and common sense she wins the hearts of the children and eventually that of their father. To celebrate the 45th anniversary of the show we are proud to present this stunning new production.
The box office for Sound of Music will be open in the theatre on Saturday mornings, starting on October 30th, from 10am until 12:30pm. There is a total of 12 performances. We do expect there to be a lot of interest in this show, so don't forget to put your ticket orders in as soon as possible.
As with most people, my first experience of The Sound of Music, was seeing the 1965 film. Although beautifully photographed the memory didn't stay with me.My next encounter with it was an amateur version for the stage show some 12 ... [more]