Whats On Production Prove It (2005)
4th September

From the Editor's Desk

Shirley Valentine Show

From the Editor's Desk

AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp

AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'


Prove It (2005)

Production Type
Other Production

Production Location
Main Theatre

Genre: Mystery Turnout: 100%

User Rating: (1/5 with 1 votes)

Flier Summary:

So you think you're clever?

A Murder Mystery, a buffet meal, a bar and good company.

Only £15 per ticket!

Production Dates & Prices:
(Please note Booking Information)

 Saturday 19th February 2005

Official Review:
the review
Reviewer: Arnold Pindar
I was really looking forward to Tina Elliott's 25th birthday party to be held at The Nomad Theatre on 19 February but it all went terribly wrong! Superbly organised by Sue Elliott, Tina's mother with a good simple meal served admirably by Trish, Alessia and Becky along with a well stocked bar. I hadn't realised that Tinas father Oliver would be there with his second wife. I guess it was inevitable that sparks would fly. especially as Sliver was tied up in business with Tina's boyfriend, Philip, and Philip had sometime to go before launching his first product. Tina's brother, Patrick, completed the family group, a mystic. somewhat aloof guy who wrote the horoscopes for the local paper. Was he gay? Definitely not as was proved later!

The guests were all very interested in the family and asked many questions some I thought quite impertinent. Then arguments started to break out within the family. I thought Oliver was really spoiling the atmosphere. Suddenly there was a scream, and we all raced, stumbled and otherwise (after plenty to drink) wobbled, into the main theatre to find that Sandra had been murdered. However, no need to call the police, the partygoers set to and questioned the suspects. Four of us correctly detected the murderer but only one fully unravelled the reasons behind the untimely death.

Congratulations to all The Killing Game [ed: www.killinggame.co.uk] cast (Nick Cross, Rob Turner, Zoe Triantafillou, Elaine Burns, Jenny Rainbird & Martin Lawrence). All played their parts most convincingly. Another traumatic evening is planned for later in the year, so those the bouncers turned away this time will have an opportunity to visit another scene of murder most foul - a thoroughly enjoyable evening!

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