Whats On
Like a Virgin (2002)
4th September
From the Editor's Desk
Shirley Valentine Show
From the Editor's Desk
AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp
AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'
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Like a Virgin (
Production Type
Other Production
Production Location
Main Theatre
User Rating:
/5 with 4 votes)
Flier Summary:
Like a Virgin, a comi-tradegy by Gordon Steel, looks at a friendship based on a somewhat rocky foundation. Two friends, Angela and Maxine, appear to breeze through like worried only about sex and becoming as famous as Madonna. The pair look to Madonna's music and try to find inspiration through it.
Beneath the facade of dodgy wigs, high heels and fishnet tights, Angela and Maxine are emotionally alone. Angela especially has no outlet for her emotions and Maxine doesn't care much for the feelings of others. Their friendship is tested when it is put under the ultimate strain and the two girls realise what it is to have a true and irreplaceable friend.
The four cast members would like to thank The Nomad Theatre for giving them the opportunity to perform this play which has been produced & directed solely by the cast and was originally performed for their GCSE drama exam.
Production Dates & Prices:
Please note Booking Information
Sunday 15th September 2002
(in programme order)
Joe Alder
... Angela
Joe Alder
... Maxine
Kate Raye
... Maxine
Kate Raye
... Viv
Hannah Shand
... Angela
Hannah Shand
... Viv
Nick Williams
... Angela
Nick Williams
... Ken
Nick Williams
... Maxine
Nick Williams
... Monkey
Nick Williams
... Viv
(in programme order)
Stuart Bangs
Stage Manager
Stuart Bangs
Set Construction
Jonathan Bleasby
Set Construction
Rob Fee
Set Construction
Official Review:
Like a Virgin the review
What a pleasure it was to see the auditorium full to capacity at our club night on 15th September, when four of our Young Nomads, including two new members, presented this most challenging play. Challenging both in the subject matter and the casting, which had each person playing a mix of the play's five characters during the production. In the case of the two male cast this meant a variety of interesting costume changes into female attire. Not to mention the Liverpudlian accents which they managed with great success. Challenging also for the reviewer with so many role changes, but this strategy proved to be highly successful.
The Young Nomads who presented Like a Virgin had recently done the piece for their Drama GCSE; there is no doubt of high marks if they did it as well as it was performed here.
The play deals with the coping strategies of the various characters when their respective worlds are shaken by relationship problems, alcoholism, family separation and terminal illness.
Angela, the suffering daughter of boozy Viv, and her best friend Maxine who are both crazy about Madonna, dream of getting a band together, but their plans fail when Angela becomes ill, and during her treatment Maxine allows other things to distract her. Monkey is the silent, slightly smelly DJ/guitarist who they pin their hopes on, but he leans more on them for friendship and support. The absentee father Ken makes brief appearances, once to leave and once to return to say goodbye to Angela.
Throughout it all Viv gradually grows out of addiction and into taking responsibility for herself and her relationship with her daughter. A thoroughly diverting play with some great characters, sadness and laughter and emotional highs and lows.
Kate Raye, Joe Alder, Nick Williams and Hannah Shand are to be congratulated on their performances in a diversity of roles; also on their design of the set which said everything it needed to about an ill-kept home full of teenagers.
The staging was ably managed by Stuart Bangs and sound and lighting by Robin Williams and Nick Johnston. Let's have lots more evenings like this.
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