Whats On
Sherlock Holmes (2002)
8th September
From the Editor's Desk
Shirley Valentine Show
From the Editor's Desk
AUDITIONS: Aladdin and the Standard Lamp
AUDITIONS: Allo' Allo'
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Sherlock Holmes (
Production Type
Nomes Production
Production Location
Main Theatre
User Rating:
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Flier Summary:
The show of the year written ’in-house’. This play is a pastiche on the life of Sherlock Holmes with an abundance of parts for the younger members of the society.
Production Dates & Prices:
Please note Booking Information
Saturday 6th July 2002
Saturday 6th July 2002
Sunday 7th July 2002
Sunday 7th July 2002
Official Review:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
With deerstalker pulled well down and magnifying glass at the ready I made my way down to the Nomad Theatre, East Horsley to investigate the Nomes' production of 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' devised and directed by Richard Brookman. I found he had skilfully handled his large cast of over 70, all between the ages of 7-14 years, creating many striking tableaux with imaginative use of lighting, appropriate music and sound, including some very loud bangs so essential for a really good rip-roaring melodrama. The smooth transition of the many scenes made for a really fast-moving show. Particularly effective were the ghosts coming to life at the beginning of the play, the use of the gauze in the pub scene, the splendid singing of 'Oh, Mr. Porter!' as the climax of Act 1 on Victoria Station, the assembling of the 'cab' with its back projection and the stirring finale.
As to the plot - a princess kidnapped, jewels stolen, villains frustrated and in the end the dastardly Moriarty got his just deserts.
Presiding over all these adventures were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - Asa Johnson and Daniel Herbert, handling their complicated dialogue well - I much liked Daniel's 'disguise' as a rather fetching Victorian lady - all praise to the Nomes' parents for that and the many excellent costumes. Elle Poppe as an amusing overworked Mrs.Hudson, Becky Brooks the Princess, Charlie Jessey Old Sal, Alice Johnson the Duchess, Jo Hyde the King, William Bussicott the Narrator and Richard Halsey Watson as Moriarty all acted their parts well, not forgetting the greatly enthusiastic Baker Street Irregulars and many other too numerous to mention (there were duplicate casts for some of the main parts). They all contributed to the success of this lively and creative production.
Congratulations to Richard Brookman and his backstage team Production Manager Stuart Bangs, Stage Manager Amy Catten, Stage Crew the Young Nomads, Lighting Design and Operation Zoe Triantifillou, Sound and Spotlight Robin and Nick Wilfiams, Set Gordon Flilliker and the Tuesday Crew and the many others who made valuable contributions to this most enjoyable show.
Related News:
Jun 2002
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
The Original Illustrated "Strand" Sherlock Holmes
The Sherlock Holmes Audio Collection
Sherlock Holmes - The Devil's Foot / Silver Blaze [1988]
Murder Rooms: The Dark Beginnings Of Sherlock Holmes (1999)
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