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Whats On Production The Gin Game (2002)
8th August

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The Gin Game (2002)

Click to see a larger picture of The Gin Game Directed By
Martin Lawrance

Production Type
Nomads Production

Production Location
Studio Theatre

Genre: Comedy Turnout: 66%

User Rating: (3.6/5 with 3 votes)

Flier Summary:

A Pulitzer Prize Winning Play by DL Coburn.

On a broken down porch of a seedy nursing home sits a lone figure playing a solitary and unsuccessful game of patience. Financially destitute and physically ailing he must stay in the home. A prim and self-righteous lady joins him on the porch. They discover that they both dislike the home but enjoy Gin Rummy. They begin to play while revealing intimate details of their lives. The games however are all one sided resulting in uncontrollable rage but finally in the despair of a spirit broken.

Production Dates & Prices:
(Please note Booking Information)

 Tuesday 24th September 2002
 Wednesday 25th September 2002
 Thursday 26th September 2002
 Friday 27th September 2002
 Saturday 28th September 2002

Cast: (in programme order)
Rita Derriman ... Fiona Dorsey
Alan Wiseman ... Richard Martin

Crew: (in programme order)
Martin Lawrance ... Director
Andrew Nice ... Set Design
Andrew Nice ... Set Construction
Charles Hope ... Lighting Designer
Tim Williams ... Sound Operator
Elizabeth Cross ... Prompt

Scene 1 Sunday afternoon, Visitors' Day
Scene 2 Sunday afternoon one week later
Scene 1 The following evening shortly after dinner
Scene 2 The following Sunday afternoon

Official Review:
the review
Last week the Nomads produced their latest studio production, The Gin Game' by D.L. Cobum. Set on the outside patio of an American retirement home, this 2-hander follows the relationship of Fiona Dorsey and Richard Martin, two 'old timers' seeking friendship in a new and alien environment.

Centrally the characters involve themselves in a series of games of Gin Rummy instigated by the competitive Richard (Alan Wiseman). Through the play he struggles with the 'incredible run of luck' enjoyed by Fiona, his designated opponent and partner, played by Rita Derriman. She beats him consistently - even though she's just leamed the game, and he's been playing it for years. Across the table, Fiona comes to see the possibility of friendship and desperately tries to please - by playing the game, by winning and even by losing. At each stage her attempts are rebuffed by the increasingly irritated Richard whose mounting anger in the end ruins the chance they may have had to be friends. As the two characters play their contentious hands of gin, the play helps us see the game as parallel to their lives. We discover quite a lot about them, about their pretensions and their failings, as they contend across the cards.

Intrinsically, this is a very challenging piece of theatre, the two actors HAVING to weave through a variety of emotions whilst remaining in one location, often having to convey entire scenes across a card table whilst playing endless rounds of gin. In a production like this then, tiny things count for a lot The way the characters vary their positions at the card table, the way movements around the stage are motivated, the timing of glances etc. Both actors coped admirably with these restraints and both managed to arouse genuine sympathy from the audience for their situation. Occasionally the outbursts of rage and breakdowns of tears didn't seem quite convincing, however on the whole the characterisations were rich and well developed, and praise must go to both actors as well as Martin Lawrance, the director.

The production was helped by the intimate setting of the Nomads' studio space, and this together with Andy Nice's minimalist set, Charles Hope's subtle lighting and the effective background sounds from Tim Williams ensured a suitably atmospheric setting. Congratulations to all involved - a difficult piece that was handled effectively.

Related News:
Sep 2002 Gin Game
May 2002 The Gin Game Auditions

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