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Whats On Production 'TEECHERS' (2004)
27th July

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'TEECHERS' (2004)

Click to see a larger picture of 'TEECHERS' Directed By
Don Brown

Fiona Ufton
Production Type
Young Nomads Production

Production Location
Main Theatre

Genre: Comedy Turnout: 51%

User Rating: (5/5 with 5 votes)

Flier Summary:

Fast-moving, inventive and highly entertaining,"TEECHERS" vigorously evokes life at a modern Comprehensive. Three fifth-formers, using the format of an end of term play, exuberantly sketch the new drama teacher's progress through two terms of recalcitrant classes, cynical colleagues and obstructive caretakers until he departs, disillusioned, for the safer waters of a private school.

The play runs the whole gamut of emotions, climaxing with the last scene when the teenagers' despair emerges from beneath their youthful irreverence, giving a poignant edge to the comedy. With each actor playing multiple roles and with only a couple of desks to convey many settings, "TEECHERS" stretches the imagination of cast and audience alike.

Production Dates & Prices:
(Please note Booking Information)

 Tuesday 24th August 2004
 Wednesday 25th August 2004
 Thursday 26th August 2004
 Friday 27th August 2004
 Saturday 28th August 2004

Cast: (in programme order)
Richie Halsey-Watson ... Salty
Kate Raye ... Gail
Amy Catten ... Mrs Parry
Amy Catten ... Pete Saxon
Zoe Triantafillou ... Mr Basford
Zoe Triantafillou ... Oggy Moxon
Bronwyn Elliott ... Ms Witham
Bronwyn Elliott ... Kevin Mears
Catherine (ces) Scott ... Miss Prime
Catherine (ces) Scott ... Simon "piggy" Patterson
Laurence Armitage ... Mr Nixon

Crew: (in programme order)
Don Brown ... Director
Fiona Ufton ... Producer
Rob Fee ... Stage Manager
Simon Waldman ... Lighting Operator
Ian Harwood ... ASM
Martin Tidy ... ASM
Simon Waldman ... Lighting Designer
Don Brown ... Sound Design
David Armitage ... Sound Operator
Zoe Triantafillou ... Set Construction
David Armitage ... Set Construction
Don Brown ... Set Construction
Rob Fee ... Set Construction
Laurence Armitage ... Set Construction
Bronwyn Elliott ... Set Construction
Catherine (ces) Scott ... Set Construction
Martin Tidy ... Set Construction
Kate Raye ... Set Construction
Zoe Triantafillou ... Costume Design
Bronwyn Elliott ... Costume Design
Don Brown ... Properties
Catherine (ces) Scott ... Choreographer
Bronwyn Elliott ... Choreographer
Phillip Griffith ... Poster Design
Fiona Ufton ... Publicity / Marketing
Kate Raye ... Publicity / Marketing
Catherine (ces) Scott ... Publicity / Marketing
Richie Halsey-Watson ... Publicity / Marketing
Laurence Armitage ... Publicity / Marketing
Don Brown ... Publicity / Marketing
Charles Hope ... Programme Design

Official Review:
the review
Walking into the auditorium to watch the Young Nomads production of Teechers', I was instantly transported back to the mid eighties and my own teenage years, as sifting in the middle of the stage was a huge Rubic cube - the toy that puzzled us all and sat on coffee tables all over the country. The music served to reinforce the period, with classics by Duran Duran, Adam Ant and Culture Club.

The huge Rubic cube broke down into smaller cubes that were moved into various positions, and each change of position represented different classrooms, stairs, offices etc. The movement of the blocks together with an amusing backdrop of a wall covered in graffiti, and two separate areas front of stage representing changing rooms and a staff room all helped to transport us to Whitewall School.
The characters that we met at the school were easily recognisable to all of us, whatever date we attended 'senior school. In all there were 22 characters in Teechers played by 8 members of the Young Nomads.

Mr Jeff Nixon, a 'just out of training' teacher was the character that led us through a year in the life of the school. Through him we met a gaggle of teenagers, the headmistress, other teachers, caretakers, and his own huge learning curve. Lawrence Armitage made Mr Nixon a strong constant in a fast moving piece, and must be congratulated for being able to recognise which character his fellow actors were throwing at him. All the performers handled their character changes flawlessly. Each character had a comic element, but Zoe Triantafillou's comic timing and characterisation was the first to give me a real belly laugh as the outrageous red haired Oggy Moxon. She was not alone in making this a very funny evening's entertainment. The very name Cordelia Parry indicates the type of headmistress this woman would be and Amy Catten created a wonderful uptight personality, whose need to succeed as the director of the local operatic society's production often influenced the decisions she made at school!

It is difficult enough to create one character that is distinctive in a show but Bronwyn Elliott created five. The move from prissy schoolteacher to laconic caretaker was made distinctive not only by the voice but also by very different physical characterisations for each. Richie Halsey-Watson was energetic as Ian 'Salty' Salt and Barry Wobschall. Harriet Danhash was confident and amusing as Oggy's sidekick Dennis - especially as this was her first speaking role on stage. Cathy Scott as Miss Jackie Prime - the love interest for Mr Nixon - was a 'quieter' character than most of the others, yet created it with individuality and flair. Kate Raye oozed simple, sometimes innocent sex appeal as Gail Saunders and managed the balance and different facets of this character well.

The whole production of Teechers' was incredibly well put together. The costumes and props were very well sourced and helped to reflect the era superbly. The lighting added atmosphere to the piece, the sound was superb. Congratulations must be given to Rob Lowe for stage managing a fast moving, technical piece with such professionalism.

I don't think many of us understand how difficult the role of 'producer' for a show can be, especially when it is your first show at a theatre so my congratulations go to Fiona Ufton for the hours of support she gave to her director, actors and crew, it certainly paid off. The team spirit was evident both on and off stage, and it was truly wonderful to see the hardworking Young Nomads so excited about a piece of work. Teechers' was Don's main-house directorial debut, and he certainly achieved what he set out to do: the cast and crew really took ownership of the whole production. I hope Don will soon return to direct again with us.

Related News:
Aug 2004 Box Office: Teechers, Play in a Week, Barefoot in the Park
Jun 2004 AUDTIONS: "Teechers"

Teechers Paperback

User Reviews:
4th September 2004
Reviewer: Rob Fee
A great show! And a fantastic set!

Well Done!

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