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Whats On Production Summer Acting Workshops (2005)
9th January

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Summer Acting Workshops (2005)

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Production Type
Other Production

Production Location
Main Theatre

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Flier Summary:

The workshops will be run for us by  Martin Nickells of the New Venture Theatre Company in Brighton, to run three sessions on "Auditions, Rehearsals and Performance" for The Nomads.  These will be held on three consecutive weeks:

Sunday  24  July  Auditions
Sunday 31 July  Rehearsals
Saturday 6 August   Performance

Each workshop will run from 11am to 4pm on each of the three days.  In the evening of the final Saturday  there will also be a showcase performance of the play that has been studied during the course. 

The featured production will be "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens, which New Venture recently performed in Brighton and in which both Marina & Brandon had rôles.  Hard Times was one of the short-listed productions in the Brighton Fringe Festival earlier this year and Martin was director of the winning production in that festival a few years ago.  Martin, when not working with New Venture, is a professional drama tutor. 

Marina and Brandon will both be helping with the workshops.  The cost will be £10 per session, and there is no need to attend more than one, but since it always possible to learn something new, do try to attend as many as possible.  Young Nomads will have their fees subsidised—ask John Norris for details.

Those wishing to take part are asked to contact John Norris on 01903 786247 as soon as possible.  We can accommodate around 15 people at each session.  Please bring your own packed lunch and we’ll open the bar for liquid refreshments at lunchtime, with tea and coffee available as well.

Production Dates & Prices:
(Please note Booking Information)

Members Price
 Sunday 24th July 2005
 Sunday 31st July 2005
 Saturday 6th August 2005

Related News:
Jul 2005 Summer Workshops
Jun 2005 Summer Acting Workshops

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