The Young Nomads have been talking about doing a Terry Pratchett play for a number of years, and this year got the chance to actually produce one. Wyrd Sisters, being the most standalone of all the Discworld plays, was the obvious choice.
"Through the fathomless deeps of space swims the star turtle Great ATuin, bearing on its back the four giant elephants who carry on their shoulders the mass of the Discworld. A tiny sun and moon spin around them, on a complicated orbit to induce seasons, so probably nowhere else in the multiverse is it sometimes necessary for an elephant to cock its leg to allow the sun to go past.
Exactly why this should be may never be known. Possibly the Creator of the universe got bored with all the usual business of axial inclination, albedos and rotational velocities, and decided to have a bit of fun for once.
It would probably be pretty good bet that the gods of a world like this probably do not play chess and indeed this is the case. In fact no gods anywhere play chess. They havent got the imagination. Gods prefer simple, vicious games, where you Do Not Achieve Transcendence but Go Straight To Oblivion; a key to the understanding of all religion is that a gods idea of amusement is Snakes and Ladders with greased rungs.
Magic glues the Discworld together - magic generated by the turning of the world itself, magic wound like silk out of the underlying structure of existence to suture the wounds of reality."
Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett |